All-In-One  Solution for
Dental Subscriptions

Revolutionize Dental Care with

Why Subscribili?

Subscribili is pioneering a transformative approach to dental delivery with our subscription-based model. This innovative system allows dental providers to offer predictable, quality care without the complexities and limitations of traditional insurance.

By directly linking providers with patients through manageable subscriptions, we empower you to deliver personalized care that truly meets the needs of your patients while also streamlining your operations and boosting financial performance

With Subscribili, experience healthcare on your terms, and see why so many providers are making the switch.

Let's talk - no commitment

Benefits for Dental Practices

Our platform is designed not only to improve the care you provide but also to enhance your practice's operational efficiency and financial health. Providers who join Subscribili see significant benefits, including:


Generate stable, recurring income through patient subscriptions.


Keep your patients coming back with affordable, consistent care plans.

Reduced Administrative Burden

Minimize the time and resources spent on billing and insurance disputes.

Seamless Integration and Support

Subscribili seamlessly integrates with existing Patient Management Systems (PMS), making it easy to adopt and implement without disrupting your current operations. Our platform is customizable to fit the unique needs of your practice, offering:

Flexible Plan Options

Tailor your services and pricing to fit the needs of your patient base.

White-Labeled Solution

Maintain brand consistency with a platform that appears as an extension of your own practice.

Continuous Support:

Our dedicated team ensures you have everything you need to succeed, from training on the platform to ongoing technical support.


Are you ready to enhance your practice with Subscribili?

Schedule a personalized consultation with Brenton Paul, our VP of Sales, to learn more about how our subscription model can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your practice.

Efficient Subscription Management

Managing subscriptions is effortless with Subscribili’s user-friendly interface. Our platform allows you to:

Add New Subscribers

Quickly enroll new patients into appropriate care plans.

Adjust Service Plans

Easily update service offerings or adjust pricing as your practice evolves.

Automate Tasks

Reduce manual effort with features that automate billing, renewals, and patient notifications, allowing you to focus more on patient care than paperwork.

Support and Marketing Materials

To ensure your success, Subscribili provides extensive support and marketing resources. We help you educate and engage your patients both in-office and online:

Branded Materials

Get customized brochures and flyers that fit your practice’s branding.

Digital Marketing Support

Benefit from a multi-channel digital marketing campaign aimed at boosting local awareness and attracting new subscribers.

Comprehensive Training

Our team guides you and your staff through every step of the platform, ensuring you are fully equipped to use all its features effectively.

Subscribili is a health technology company building a platform to help underinsured Americans get the essential care they need at a reasonable price.
The Subscribili Subscription Plans are not insurance, but a licensed treatment savings subscription plan offered through our offices. Subscribers in good standing with their annual subscription fee are eligible to receive transparent, subscriber-only discounts from the normal retail fees that participating offices typically charge self-pay patients for treatment. Plan details and subscriber savings are exclusive to participating offices and may vary by location. Subscribili does not make payments directly to care providers for services rendered to plan subscribers. Subscribers are obligated to pay for all care services, but will receive a discount on services rendered by participating care providers. The plan is not a qualified health plan under the Affordable Health Act. The plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under MGLC.111M and 956 CMR 5.00. Discount Medical Plan Organization (“DMPO”) and plan administrator: Subscribili Inc. 651 N. Broad St., Suite 206, Middletown, DE 19709.